Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cailyns stitches

Okay, so a few weeks ago Cailyn had a little accident. Her cousin was spinning her on Grampas computer chair and she decided it would be an interesting adventure to stand up while still spinning. I'm sure all you parents out there know what a great idea that must have been. So I was urgently telling her to sit down and the next thing I knew she was flying through the air. She hit her sweet little face on Grampas computer desk and split it open. She had to have four stitches. If you've ever had to watch you child get stitches, then you know it's not a pleasent experience at all. So here are some not so good pictures of Cailyns stitched up face. I would have had them up sooner, but Jordan's a computer hog. She's since had the stitches removed and it's healing quite well. Though she may have a scar on her face for the rest of her life. =(

1 comment:

  1. That makes me sad. Brennen had stiches a few years back, but he was a lot older and it was hard for me to go through, so I can imagine how hard it was to watch Cailyn go through that. Hope it's all healing up well.
